Monday, 12 March 2012

Cat participants needed for Ngee Ann Poly Vet Bioscience FYP

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are third year Veterinary Bioscience students from the School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, NgeeAnn Polytechnic. We are working on our final year project: Sero-prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in stray and household cats in Singapore.

Our 7-month-long research project will require us to collect data from at least 50 cats. This project will determine the sero-prevalence of these viruses (FIV and FeLV) and Toxoplasmosis in cats using ELISA and the correlation between infection and different factors such as age, sex, environment, health status, clinical and laboratory findings.

Please render your support in our project by informing your clients who own cats to participate in the study. They will be required to complete a questionnaire which comprises of a short series of questions regarding the age, sex, environment, lifestyle and the health status of the cats. A 3ml of blood will be collected either via cephalic, saphenous, and jugular venipuncture. We have been properly trained in blood collection by our project supervisor, Dr Rio E. Ridad, DVM (6460-6640). The blood samples will be tested using ELISA for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, FIV antibodies and FeLV antigens in our school’s laboratory. The tests are conducted free-of-charge and the results will be reported upon request.

You can contact us at 93829182(Buvan)/96661056 (Zi Hui)/ 85229621 (Bernice)/97855102 (Yeung Ling) or at Thank you and we look forward to your participation in our study.

Yours Sincerely,

Buvaneswari D/o Devarajan

Diploma in Veterinary Biosciences Year 3

School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Tan Zi Hui

Diploma in Veterinary Biosciences Year 3

School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, NgeeAnn Polytechnic

Bernice Zhen Min Ho

Diploma in Veterinary Biosciences Year 3

School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, NgeeAnn Polytechnic

Khoo Yeung Ling

Diploma in Veterinary Biosciences Year 3

School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology, NgeeAnn Polytechnic
