Fei Zai was taken in when his owner passed on a while ago.
Fei Zai is a great dog for a middle aged or elderly couple. He is great company and not too active. He enjoys eating and lazing around all day. He will need a forever home. Fei Zai is excellent with bigger and smaller dogs. He will make a good family dog.
Family adopting him will need to pay for a medical checkup for Fei Zai
Do contact us at general@animalloversleague.com with information about your family and you
Thank you
[Sat 5 Jun. Source: http://www.petschannel.com/adoption/pet_profile.cfm?c=1&g=0&st=2&so=2&start=1&ad=5711, Fri 4 Jun.]
mon 20 dec 2010
feizai has been adopted