This rascal had been with us since he was a baby. He is a very, very lovable dog with a real goofy personality. Rascal loves to be with people and is happy to lie next to you while you read or watch TV. His favorite toy is a ball that he will often sleep with or have it in his mouth. He loves to play ‘throw n fetch’ the ball. He is friendly with everyone and has a very pleasant disposition.
He has sensitive skin so he cannot be fed with doggy treats or canned food. He is on rice and chicken diet (with carrot and cabbage). Occasionally, he is fed beef and fish.
Rascal is the companion of Nacho the 4 to 5 year old male dachshund, who is also up for adoption.
Both dogs get along well 90% of the time and would fight every now and then over a ball or food. However, every night, they would be sleeping next to each other, with one resting his head on the other.
They love their daily walks and love to bathe as well.
[tue 20 jul. e-mail, tue 20 jul.]
update mon 2 aug
Rascal is being fostered at the moment, hope his fosterer will provide him a permanent home.
tue 28 sep 2010
rascal's still looking for a permanent home
tue 23 nov 2010
rascal is adopted!